in His name

why; in accordance to scripture, in rememberance of his sacrifice
meditation: a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject; Corinthians 11:28, we must examine ourselves


A crowd gathered seeking miracles and reassurance. The crowd hungered for a Feast, empty hands and empty hearts.
Loaves and fish were few but fed many, allowing the crowd to eat their fill with much leftover.
A Prophet. Turning his back on an earthly kingdom. Seeking solitude among the multitude, for miracles are often overlooked and turned aside from God's purpose.
The Bread of Life and Blood of Life given freely to those who seek Him.

The wind blew and the sea rose and faith was tested and the crowd gathered seeking miracles and reassurance. The crowd hungered for spoils, empty hands and empty hearts.
Words were few but the meaning was deep: God provides the nourishment to your soul.
The people refused their feast, looking for signs among the heavens.
Words were few and the meaning clear:
'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger. Everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life.' (from John 6:35-40)
The Bread of Life and the Blood of Life given freely to those who seek Him.

The crowd questioned. The disciples questioned.
The words were hard though the meaning was clear.
Empty hands and empty hearts are being filled with the Bread and Blood of Life, given freely to those who seek Him.

We are cast to fill the seats at the table. We are called to witness the miracle of the nourishment of our souls.
We come to the gathering with empty hands and empty hearts, finding fullness in the sacrifice of Christ.

-An interpretation of John 6.

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