in His name

why; in accordance to scripture, in rememberance of his sacrifice
meditation: a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject; Corinthians 11:28, we must examine ourselves

Study Unit: Baptism

My daughter has become very interested in being baptized. After poking around in various places, I couldn't find the kind of study program I was looking for to meet her needs. I may have just spent my time reinventing the wheel, but I put one together for her myself. I think it covers the bases, and works pretty well to prepare her for making a conscientious and intentional decision about baptism. In case someone else it looking for a similar resource, here it is:

[I should say my daughter is in 3rd grade with an advanced reading level and accustomed to independent work. I gave her the questions for each unit with the appropriate scripture reference, then handed her a bible and let her go to town. But since all children learn differently, you can easily adapt this to any child.]

Study Unit: Baptism
Unit One
1. Who is John the Baptist?
Read: Luke 5-7 and Luke 11-15
a. John is the son of Zecharia and Elizabeth. The angel Gabriel appeared to Zecharia to tell him of God’s promise. J

2. Gabriel told Zecharia that John would do what in his life?
Read: Luke 17-17
a. John would be filled with the Holy Spirit, turn people to the Lord, and prepare people for the Lord.

3. How is John related to Jesus?
Read Luke 1:26-27, Luke 1:36
a. Mary (Jesus’ mother) and Elizabeth (John’s mother) are cousins

4. Tell about the first time Jesus and John meet.
Luke 1:39-44
a. John recognizes Jesus while they are both still in the womb - before they are born. John jumps for joy when he meets Jesus, knowing that Jesus is his Lord.

Unit Two
1. Define Baptism.
a. an act, experience, or ordeal by which one is purified, sanctified, initiated, or named ; being dedicated to God

2. What was the ministry of John the Baptist?
Read Matthew 3:1-6
a. He called the people to repent because the Lord was coming, and he baptized them in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins.

3. John warns the people that he baptizes with water, but the coming Lord does more. What does John say the Lord will baptize people with?
Read Matthew 3:11
a. Holy spirit and fire.

4. Does John baptize Jesus?
Read Matthew 3:13-15
a. Yes. John says he’s not worthy to baptize Jesus but Jesus asks for John to baptize him.

5. What happens when John baptizes Jesus?
Read Matthew 3:16-17
a. The spirit of God comes in a dove and a voice from heaven declares Jesus as God’s son.

Unit Three
1. Why did Christ suffer for our sins?
Read 1Peter 3:18
a. To bring us to God.

2. What does it mean that Christ is resurrected?
Read Matthew 28:5-8
a. Jesus is brought back to life and has gone ahead of us.

3. What does the bible tell us about choosing to be baptized?
Read 1 Peter 3:21
a. Baptism saves us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

4. Can you think of another time when God used water to save his people?
Read Genesis 6:11-13 and Genesis 6:17-18
a. God floods the earth but saves Noah and his family
Read Exodus 14:5-7 and 14:21-23 and 14:27-30
a. God parts the Red Sea so that the Israelites can flee through dry land, then the sea rushes back in to drown the Egyptians

Unit 4
1. What gifts do we receive with baptism?
Read Acts 2:38 and 1 Peter 3:21
a. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and salvation

2. How does baptism connect us to Christ?
Read Romans 6:3-5
a. We are united with Christ through his death, burial and resurrection.

3.Why do we practice immersion baptism (where you are fully laid into the water)?
a. It represents our connection. Being laid into the water indicates burial and the acceptance of Christ, being risen up represents our connection to his resurrection and salvation.

Unit 5
Write a letter explaining to God why you want to be baptized.

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