in His name

why; in accordance to scripture, in rememberance of his sacrifice
meditation: a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject; Corinthians 11:28, we must examine ourselves


Get comfortable. Shift around and find the right spot. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.

Think about your feet. How often do you consider your feet? When you get up in the morning and get ready for the day, do you choose your shoes with care or in a rush? Do you relish the chance to run barefoot, do you change shoes when you come home?

Push your feet into the floor. Let go. Push your feet into the floor again. Let go.

How did it feel? Is the floor firm under your feet?

Now curl in your toes. Flex them a few times. How does it feel inside your shoes? Are you glad to be wearing sandals, or do your socks bunch up?

Now consider this: how far have your feet walked today? How much have you relied on your feet today? What about this weekend? The month? The year?

Have your feet carried you through storms? Through sand, pushing and fighting for each step? Through the peaceful meadow? Through the long days of winter, the impatient days of spring?

How far have you walked in your journey?

Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee and gathered the fishers of men.
Jesus walked out on the water and calmed the seas.
Jesus walked through the temple and taught God's word.
Jesus walked past the jeering crowd and became our salvation.

How far have you walked in  your journey?

Let your feet carry you forward, to the table. Set your feet upon the path Jesus has prepared for each of us. Remember the mercy we have been shown, the grace we have been given, the joy that greets us with each step we take.

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