in His name

why; in accordance to scripture, in rememberance of his sacrifice
meditation: a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject; Corinthians 11:28, we must examine ourselves


I am many things. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter.
I am a friend, confidante, a cheerleader.
I run this household, an overseer of food, clothing, schedules.
I have known great joy and deep sorrow.
I have walked through peace and chaos.
I go through each day strong or weak, until the night falls and I am too weary to continue.
I am broken.
I am surrounded by brokenness.

You, you all who are so many things.
Husbands and Wives
Mothers and Fathers
Brothers and Sisters
Daughters and Sons.
You - you all are broken
This world, this flawed and human world, it is broken.
We are caught in this place and we are all broken together and we are all driven to our knees.

The weight of all that we are not,
All that we cannot do,
All that we cannot know -
This weight fractures our hearts, rends our minds, and leaves us

And into this place a child was born.
And in this world a man was crucified.

He said we should remember, for He knows the weight that drags at our souls.
He charged us to remember His sacrfice, for He, too, was broken.
He left us with this gift and we must honor it, for He is so much more than we can be in this world.
For He did more than we can ever do,
He became whole again.
He chose to come among us,
He allowed this world to break His body,
And then He rose again.
He knew our need, and
He saved us.

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